Book a Demo

Talk to our team to learn how BlueHill Payments can help your business with its billing and payment needs. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and build a solution tailored for your business.

Everything you need

All-in-one platform

BlueHill has everything you need to setup and manage your recurring products. View every revenue stream in one place.

Subscriber Management
Manage your subscribers and their subscriptions.
Automatic Billing
Automatically bill your subscribers on your schedule. Setup workflows to handle complex payments.
Payment Orchestration
Automatically process payments and use multiple payment providers.
Billing API
Use our API to integrate with your existing systems.
Comprehensive Reporting
Get detailed reports on your KPIs, payments, and subscriber activity.
Service Provider Integrations
Integrate with Stripe, Braintree, and more.
Multiple Pricing Models
Offer a variety of pricing models including metered, tiered, and fixed.
Churn Management
Automatically manage churned custoemrs and recover lost revenue.

More Reliable Payments

BlueHill Payment Orchestration

BlueHill Payment Orchestration is a powerful payment orchestration platform that simplifies the payments process for your businesss. Get powerful analysis tools also provide invaluable insights into customer interactions with your organization, helping you optimize operations and improve customer experience.

Multiple Gateway Integrations
Morbi viverra dui mi arcu sed. Tellus semper adipiscing suspendisse semper morbi. Odio urna massa nunc massa.
Sandbox Gateway Testing
Sit quis amet rutrum tellus ullamcorper ultricies libero dolor eget. Sem sodales gravida quam turpis enim lacus amet.
Gateway Routing & Workflows
Quisque est vel vulputate cursus. Risus proin diam nunc commodo. Lobortis auctor congue commodo diam neque.
Gateway Retries & Failover
Arcu egestas dolor vel iaculis in ipsum mauris. Tincidunt mattis aliquet hac quis. Id hac maecenas ac donec pharetra eget.
Integration with BlueHill Billing
Arcu egestas dolor vel iaculis in ipsum mauris. Tincidunt mattis aliquet hac quis. Id hac maecenas ac donec pharetra eget.
Enabled on All Accounts
Arcu egestas dolor vel iaculis in ipsum mauris. Tincidunt mattis aliquet hac quis. Id hac maecenas ac donec pharetra eget.

Everything you need

Unlock Seamless Financial Transactions

Experience the smooth and effortless transition of financial services that payment orchestration provides with its cost-effective yet powerful tools. Streamline your payments and reduce time wasted trying to find the right solutions for your business. Payment orchestration allows you to save money, focus on growth, and eliminate manual processes. With this cutting-edge technology, you can rest assured knowing you are getting the most value for your business."

App screenshot

Everything you need

Powerful Payment Infrastructure

BlueHill automatically route your payment to the best gateway or specify your payment workflows and routing criteria

Amount Based Routing
Route transactions to different gateways based on the amount of the transaction. Save on payment processing fees
Payment Method Routing
Route transactions to different gateways based on the payment method used. Save on payment processing fees
Route transactions to different gateways based on the discount applied to the transaction. Save on payment processing fees
Global Routing
Accept payments from customers in any country. Route transactions to the gateway with the lowest fees
Add Payment Methods Easily
Add new payment methods to your account with a few clicks. No need to contact support or use a developer
Powerful Analytics
View detailed analytics on all your transactions. See how much you are saving with BlueHill Payments

Learn More About BlueHill's Nonprofit Finance Platform

Contact us or schedule a demo to learn more about how BlueHill can help your business bill better and grow faster